sábado, 30 de abril de 2005

Wicker park

Estuve ayer viendo esta película, que bonita...
parece ser que es un remake de L´appartement. Aquí la han llamado Obsesión.
A aquellos que les gustan las películas románticas, ahí tienen su must. Rey Lear, moralejas amorosas... concluye con The Scientist de fondo, enorme canción de Coldplay.
A las chicas que no les gusten mucho estas pelis, se pueden consolar observando a Josh Hartnett.
Sigo con faringitis, que jodienda pasarse el puente en casa, con el tiempo esplendido y todo eso...
He encargado Big Sur, obra cumbre de Kerouac, tal vez llegue para la semana que viene.
En breve empieza la temporada surf [bueno, la mía quiero decir :-) ]
En Agosto a San Petersburgo, Rusia!!
Llámenme, pinches cabrones!! Me muero del asco en casa!!
El concierto de Sulfators, contundente, jeje. Whole lotta Rosie, Detroit Rock City, broche final con Another Place... temas propios como City Rock, Hate Techno,excelentes.

domingo, 24 de abril de 2005

Millencolin & stuff

So we finally got to this concert in Bergara, and it did rock pretty well, though we missed the 1st group, these american guys Street Dogs , anyways who cares¿? we were there for the Millencolin punk-rock show.
Yeh, Lawrence Arms played some songs too...
Saturday we went to Complot , as usual [no news on this, either :-( ]
Maybe next week-end? Maybe not...


sábado, 23 de abril de 2005

Friends till the end

First words you say in tears, complaining how I'm never near.
I know I'm lost sometimes cause I'm grounded in my mind.
It's like this all the time, first I say you're OK then I go my way.
And you're desperate, so desperate when you're down.
Here I stand, take my hand and I'll try to understand you right.
The best way I can, cause after all I am your friend.
Last words you scream to me, you don't expect too much of me,
cause I could give you anything if I just could be myself.
It's like that all the time, first I say you're OK then I go my way again, you're so desperate but still mine.
But now the girl is working, now the girl feels fine and I'm the one who feels down, but if she'll be working until the end of time.
I hope she'll understand me then, the best way she can,
cause after all I am her friend till the end

domingo, 17 de abril de 2005

Rainy days (revisited)

Ever had a rendez-vous with reason or a punch out with sense?
I have´em all the time, you know it ain´t the season.
They say I look a little tense and it do get worse,
like a merry go round curse,
just like talking to a wall.
Reason puts the light out and sense pulls the plug, and brother rhyme just stumbles and falls.
So you feel it; just wrap it up and seal it, and deal with it; when a rainy day comes along.
So let´s come to a conclusion, let us all come to terms with the greater problems and the fewer solutions.
Will I ever learn I can go against the grain or even make a racket play along or I can take a stand surrounded by monkeys, I doubt I´ll ever hack it; I can try to take off or I can hold their hand.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2005

big Ollie gap  Posted by Hello

Kickflip to fakie, Parque de los patos Posted by Hello

sábado, 9 de abril de 2005

La belleza

...Estoy situado en una nebulosa y hago lo que quiero por qué el universal equilibrio al cual pertenezco no pierda su equilibrio. Mientras estoy sentado en una colina, mirando una puesta de sol, me dejo cautivar por la belleza del trémulo reflejo de los rayos del sol, cristalinos, hasta sentirme sobrecogido.
Y reflexiono que la vida no es más que una sombra que pasa, un pobre cómico que se pavonea y se agita una hora en escena y después no se le oye más; un cuento narrado por un idiota y que nada significa...
Y llegó a la conclusión que la belleza no mira; sólo es mirada..

Albert Einstein (Físico y matemático )


To the centre of the city, where all roads meet looking for you.
To the depths of the ocean, where all hopes sank searching for you.
Moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you.
In a room with no window in the corner, I found truth.
In the shadowplay, acting out your own death, knowing more.
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor, and with cold steel, odour on their bodies,made a move to connect.
I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left.
I did everything, everything I wanted to.
I let them use you for their own ends.
To the centre of the city in night, waiting for you

viernes, 8 de abril de 2005

Poema de A.S. Pushkin (traducción)

"Te amaba, quien sabe si el amor perecerá,
no se había apagado por completo la llama en mi.
Más ojalá deje por fin de afligirme,
no quiero molestarte nunca más.
Te amaba en silencio, desesperadamente,
atormentado por la timidez y los celos.
Te amaba con tal sinceridad, con tal ternura,
que Dios te bendiga con alguien que te ame así"